The Founder Of The Pink Cooker
Founder of The Pink Cooker
I am so delighted to introduce you to Arevik, the founder of The Pink Cooker, a London-based baker who bakes the most delicious and divine cakes!

What made you want to launch The Pink Cooker?
I created my Instagram page on a drive back home in June 2020 from an oven dealership in Surrey after putting an order in for a new cooker as my husband and I were renovating our home. I had created the page to start a food blog as I love to cook and my husband is Italian and I wanted to document my exploration of Italian recipes! It wasn't till April 2021 that I first posted on that page, with a cake… my friend had seen a photo of a vintage style cake on Pinterest and as a joke challenged me to make it and we were towards the end of lockdown and I thought why not try! And then I just stuck to it!

What motivates you?
The future. I have a dream, a very pink dream and I do want to eventually live the pink dream that I dream of. I would love to have 2 children and provide for them. Oh, and a pink convertible Ferrari.

What are you reading right now?
The subtitles of The Real Housewives of New Jersey, does that count? If not, 12 Rules for Life by Jordan B. Peterson, I’ve been reading that since 2018 but vowed to finish it by end of January.
What is your spirit animal?
I had to really think about this. My husband said I was more of a cat, which I agreed with to an extent but then I thought maybe an owl. I’ve just done an online quiz and it turns out that my spirit animal is indeed an owl.
Who is your favourite person you have worked with?
You, duh! I literally grew up watching you on made in Chelsea every Monday night. I honestly cant believe I’m being interviewed by you right now. I recently made an Icon's highlight and couldn't believe how many wonderful people I've had the pleasure of working with. The effect on social media that influencers have is truly incredible.
What is the secret to success?
You tell me! The small success that I've achieved thus far is definitely down to consistently trying, and working and learning through failure's. I can't tell you how many vanilla sponges I baked in the space of two months at the start until I perfected my recipe but now everyone loves it. Oh and NEVER compare your wins with anyone else; they weren't lying when they said comparison is the thief of joy (whoever they are).
What has been your favourite business moment to date?
Definitely a mention in Vogue magazine for Henrietta Rix’s wedding! Dreaming of full spread next time.
What are you grateful for?
My support system. I am so so incredibly blessed to have my husband who has supported me from the very beginning, driven me to deliver cakes all over
(once for 4 hours), cancelled plans to stay at home because I was so tired from working and letting me basically destroy our new kitchen. There are so many times I've wanted to quit and was quickly reminded by him of how far I’ve come. My family who are always amazed with my work, even if they’ve seen hundreds of pink cakes by now. My friends who always share my work and spread the word. My clients who trust me to make them a cake for their special occasions. And last but not least, the people who constantly like & comment my posts!
What is the best aspect of having your own business?
Meeting so many amazing people from all walks of life. Having something that is mine and that my family is proud of.
What is the hardest part of having your own business?
It never really stops! Endless admin and the occasional personality clash.
Busy weekends working and no more spontaneous trips!
What is something you’re currently working on?
Not to sound cliché but I’m working on me. I need to be in the right mindset to build a successful future and hopefully expand The Pink Cooker. Last year was hectic for me and so much happened and I spent the Christmas holiday really reflecting and processing. I also made a goal list I'd love to achieve by the end of the year and I'll be working towards that.
Where will you be in 10 years time?
Hopefully in my pink convertible Ferrari driving between my bakeries, two healthy children, a happy husband and family, and that spread in Vogue that I mentioned earlier.
Arevik is wearing the Heart Curve Studs, Peach Watermelon Tourmaline Gold Ring, Silver Stacking Ring with White Stones, Heart Stone Ring and Taurus Zodiac Constellation Gold Necklace.